Liability Waiver

Release of Liability, Waiver of Claims, Assumption of Risks, and Indemnity

This waiver is required to enter Dreamland. Please complete it in full. You
must be at least 19 years old to sign this waiver. If you are not 19 years
old please have your parent or guardian sign this form on your behalf.

By digitally signing this document, you will waive certain legal rights,
including the right to sue. PLEASE READ CAREFULLY

In consideration of D.A.A.N. Entertainment Ltd. allowing the Child to
access the Play Centre for a period not to exceed two hours, the Parent,
for him or herself, and the Child, as well as their heirs, executors,
administrators, assigns or anyone else who might claim on their behalf
warrant and agree as follows:

1.              The Parent, and his or her heirs, executors,
administrators, assigns, or any other party who might claim on behalf of
the Parent or the Child (collectively, the “Releasor”), fully indemnifies
and saves harmless Dreamland, its employees, directors, officers, agents,
and representatives (collectively, the “Releasees”) for any injury,
illness, or harm that may come to the Child while in the care of the
Dreamland as a result of any undisclosed special needs, health concerns,
allergies, or other condition.

2.              The Releasor releases and discharges the Releasees from any
liability from any and all loss, damage, injury, or expense to person or
property that the Parent or the Child may suffer as a result of the Child
using the premises, or being inside the premises, playing on or using in
any fashion the equipment located within the premises, due to any cause
whatsoever, including negligence on the part of the Releasees.

3.              The Parent acknowledges that Dreamland accepts no
responsibility for any personal possessions of the Child, and the Releasor
fully indemnifies and saves harmless the Releasees for any personal
possession of the Child that is lost or damaged while the Child is
attending the Play Centre.

4.              The Releasor indemnifies the Releases from all costs and
claims brought against the Releasees on behalf of the child, the child’s
parents, guardians or caretakers of any other person acting on behalf of
the child in any capacity whatsoever, or any other person or corporation
acting on behalf of the Parent or the Child.

5.              The Parent agrees to fully indemnify and save harmless
Dreamland from any regulatory or civil fine or penalty incurred as a result
of the Parent leaving Mayfair Shopping Centre while the Child is attending
the Play Centre, and/or as a result of the Parent leaving the Child at the
Play Centre for greater than two hours, which may cause Dreamland to be in
violation of the *Child Care Licensing Regulation*.

6.              By signing this Waiver, the Parent acknowledges that he or
she has read and fully understands these indemnity provisions and that the
Parent has read and explained to the Child the safety rules and code of
conduct for attending Dreamland.  The Parent acknowledges that playing in
the Play Centre and making use of the equipment situated at the premises
(including but not limited to climbing structures and inflatables) involves
a certain normal inherent risk of injury and that the Parent accepts that
risk on his or her own behalf and on behalf of the Child.

Play Centre Hours

  • 10:00am – 6:00pm Monday to Wednesday
  • 10:00am - 8:30pm Thursday and Friday
  • 10:00am - 6:00pm Saturday
  • 10:00am - 5:00pm Sunday



Mayfair Mall
386-3147 Douglas Street Victoria BC. V8Z 6E3 Canada
