Question: Can my potty-training child go into Dreamland?

Answer: Children should be potty trained. We recommend all parents put a pull-up on their child prior to entering Dreamland.


Question: Can I bring a snack for my child?

Answer: We recommend giving your child a snack before entering Dreamland. Food will not be allowed on playground equipment.

Question: What do I need to bring with my child at drop-off?

Answer: Please send the following: non-slip socks (can be purchased at Dreamland), water bottle, and any medications the child may need. We ask that any toys are left at home or with the child’s guardian.


Question: How should I dress my child?

Answer: Your child should arrive in comfortable clothing to allow them to be actively involved in all program activities. Outdoor clothing is not needed, as our program is indoors only. Jewelry, scarves, or any loose clothing should be avoided as they can get caught in equipment.








We’re Hiring!

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Play Centre Hours

  • 10:00am – 6:00pm Monday to Wednesday
  • 10:00am - 8:30pm Thursday and Friday
  • 10:00am - 6:00pm Saturday
  • 10:00am - 5:00pm Sunday



Mayfair Mall
386-3147 Douglas Street Victoria BC. V8Z 6E3 Canada

